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Queer Classics

Designed for: Moody The Zine

I was selected to be a featured artist in Moody the Zine after submitting an application to an open call.

For Moody, I created a double page spread titled Queer Classics which include re-imaginings of classical paintings through a Queer lense.

D&D Character

Designed for: Personal Project

A personal illustration of my Dungeons and Dragons character which I designed.

Genre Flipped Media Illustration

Designed for: Personal Project

This piece wad created for a themed poster art book in collaboration with 7 other artists. It was titled Get Flipped and my submission depicts Our Flag means death flipped to a Sci-fi setting.

University posters 

Designed for: Staffordshire University

The Winter Fair poster was selected to be used as official marketing material by Staffordshire University to advertise a student art market.

The Second Hand Sale poster was used to advertise a student-lead fundraising event.

ROAR Festival Poster/ Programme of Events Cover

Designed for: The Ark-T Centre

I was commissioned to do the poster & programme of events for ROAR festival, an inclusive arts festival.

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